


Recently, I've had a lot more to do. I don't mean in terms of homework or stress, but just having a lot more of a social life, friends to hang out with after school, parties to go to in the weekend and so on.

I really enjoy it. I love spontaneously running into town to buy subway after school and spending the rest of the day by the docks.

One thing I hate, is having to say no to stuff. This is for a bunch of reasons, but mostly because I have a severe case of FOMO - which I might do a separate post about, because I know a lot of people are like this. I find it really hard to turn down hanging out when I know my friends will be going, even if I wouldn't necessarily like to be there myself.

I've realised recently however, that I simply can't say yes to everything. I say yes when I can and I make sure to spend a lot of time with my friends, but sometimes I don't feel like it, and that's okay.

I've always been the type of person who needs me-time. I think we all do, to an extent, we need time to just watch netflix, bake a batch of muffins or just chill for a few hours or even days.

This is important. I used to see it as something I just did when I was bored, but I've come to realise that this is just as important for me personally to spend time with friends. I get grumpy if I haven't had a few hours to recharge over the past few days, and I get grumpy if I'm around the same people for more than a weekend.

None of this is their fault, it's just that everyone needs to recharge.

So this is your little reminder to please, please please take a bit of time for yourself whenever you need it. Sure, it might mean that you won't have time to finish the science homework, but you need to remember that your mental health and clarity is so much more important than homework or anything else.

Take time doing something you enjoy, and I swear you'll feel better. Goddamn, I sound like an advert, but I really mean it. Whether it's going on a run, baking, taking a bath (ugh I hate baths) or watching netflix, just do something for you today.

Let me know what YOU like to do during your 'me time'!


Photos from Harry Potter Studio Tour (Part 2)


Hey everyone!

Today I'm back with part two of my photos from the Warner Bros Studio Tour, which I'm very excited to share with you!

I went to the Studio Tour in London in the end of June, and I posted a bunch of photos from it, which you can see them here! I'm very proud of them, but I thought it would be time for you to see the rest.

The model of Hogwarts is possibly my very favourite thing about the entire tour. Don't get me wrong, everything about the tour is amazing, but this one leaves me speechless and makes me want to cry.

 The kitchen at the Burrow! So well made, and look out for hidden magic in this set!

 I'm not a big fan of the death eaters, but I figured all of you Slytherins out there would love to see it!

And of course, Umbridge's office! I hate her more than I hate Voldemort, but I can't deny it... Her office is very impressive. 

 Off to Hogwarts I go! The platform was actually a new addition, and the train is mind-blowing! You can climb inside it and walk through the carriages, and each one represents a different movie.
 Everything in Diagon Alley looks so realistic, and every little detail is perfect. It has different sections with different atmospheres, for example how the Apothecary and Gringotts are slightly eerie, while the joke shop is full of liveliness.

Those are all the photos I have from the Studio Tour. I hope you enjoyed them both (here's part 1), I know I did! I had the best day there with my best friend, and it truly was one of the best days of my entire life. I'd definitely recommend for you all to go if you have the chance, and make sure to schedule a whole day there!

I'd also like to thank you all for 40 followers on bloglovin. I know it might not seem like much, but it really means the world to me. I love every single one of you, and you're always welcome if you want to chat!


Hello September


Hey there friends!

As you may remember from my posts like this in June and July, I try to do a monthly expectations post on the first of every month, so here we are for September!

First of all, let me just say, how the hell is it September already? I honestly can't believe that we only have four months left until 2016. That's terrifying.

As I didn't do a post like this for august, I'll skip straight to the goals and plans for September:


  1. Keep on track with schoolwork: I've now gone back to school, and quite frankly, the work is overwhelming. My main goal is therefore to stay on track with my homework and studying for my exams.
  2. My blog is also very important to me, and I notice I feel a lot happier when I'm posting regularly. I'm not going to set a schedule for my blogposts, but I will say that I want to have at least 7 blogposts in total for the month of September.
  3. I've been eating unhealthy and not working out most of the summer, and I can definitely notice a difference. I'd love to get back to my healthy routines and perhaps get a bit fitter over the next few months.
My Plans for September:
  1. One of the few things I'll be doing this month is spending a day out in Oslo, Norway's capital city. This doesn't sound like much, because I'm there every few weeks, but this is the first time I'll be going to truly enjoy the city instead of as a chore. I'm going with a few friends of mine, and maybe I'll share our shenanigans with you if you'd like that?
  2. Inspired by Zoella, I now really want to deepclean my room. At the moment (and the rest of the time to be honest) my room is in absolute chaos, and it would be very nice to not only have it tidy but also get rid of all the little knick-knacks that I know live at the bottom of all my drawers.
  3. This month I'm going back home to England for a week. I can't wait, as I haven't been there for a while. I'll be spending time with my family, but also visiting a few towns I haven't been to before, which I'll probably share with all of you!
That was rather a short post this time! I just don't have that many plans for this fall, and as it is my least favourite season, I'm lacking the motivation to go out and do stuff at the moment. Hopefully I'll get all of these done though, and you'll see next month, on the first of October!