
Hello November


Hello November!

It's been a while I since I did one of these posts, and this is coming a tiny bit later in the month than I'd have liked. But here we are, November already.
If you're familiar with this type of post from my previous ones (June, July, September) you'll know that today I'm going to reflect on last month's goals and set new ones:

  1. Keep on track with schoolwork - I definitely did well on this. I had a few really important exams earlier this week (which went really well) and although I'm slightly behind right now, I've been really good at handing in my assignments and doing things on time.
  2. Publish 7 posts for September - I guess this didn't work out. I had 7 in total for September and October, which actually makes me really sad. Blogging takes my mind off things and makes me really happy, and I want to do it more often.
  3. Get back on track healthwise - Nope, can't say I've even improved slightly in that area, sitting here drinking hot chocolate and eating peppermints. As soon as I get back to Norway though, this will definitely be a priority.

Here are my goals for November, a lot of which might be similar to September's:
  1. I need to get back to exercising and eating healthy. At the moment I just feel so sluggish, and my clothes don't quite fit like they used to. My goal is to just stop snacking so much, and I'm aiming to exercise at least three times week. I did a post a few months back about small ways that I try to keep healthy, and I'll definitely need to revisit that myself.
  2. Stop procrastinating. Typical, right? I so often find myself spending hours and hours on tumblr, procrastinating something that would only have taken me 30min. This has to stop!
  3. Write in my journal at least twice a week. You probably know from this post that I really love writing in my diary as it helps sort my thoughts out, and I find myself a lot more relaxed when I do it regularly. Since the summer, I'd say I've written on average every fortnight, and although these have been incredibly long to catch up on everything I'm doing, I prefer to do it more regularly.
  4. Keep my room tidy. I'm infamous for having perhaps the most untidy room out of everyone I know. I'm not even exaggerating, as the most you can see of my floor at one time is probably half a squared foot. This is a problem for me, as it always makes me feel guilty, so my goal is to tidy my room 15min every day, as I know this is overcomeable.
Last month I set a new system in place for myself that I completely forgot to tell you guys about. However, I've started hanging a monthly calendar on my wall, where I mark off the days I do each of these things. I'm doing it for November too, and I'll share the result with you on 1st of December.
I just put a small dot on each day I've worked out, eaten healthy, written in my diary and done homework. Each of these are different colours, so I can maintain a streak and at the end of the month, I can properly see how well I've done.

Then onto the fun things I have planned for November: The only problem is that I genuinely have no plans this month. I'm sure there'll be parties and hangouts with friends, but none that are set in stone yet. So instead, I'll (only for this month) share a few things that I'd ideally like to do:

  1. Bake a gingerbread house. I'm not much keen on Christmas to be honest, but baking a gingerbread house is something I always enjoy. I'd love to get this done in November, so it can have as long as possible to decay into a rockhard building that no one would ever want to eat. (I'll definitely document my process on twitter, so make sure to follow me there).
  2. Go to a ballet show. This is actually the only set plan I have. One of my closest friends is an amazing ballet dancer, and although I usually don't enjoy sitting through 2 hours of ballet, it's slightly different when you're watching people you love. I'm actually quite excited.
  3. Start using my instagram properly. I have an instagram for my blog, but to be honest, I suck at following a theme and posting. I think this is because 99% of the photos I take are taken on my large camera, and transferring them from there to my phone is just a lot of hassle. There's litle I appreciate more than a nice instagram feed though, so I do want to work on this.
That's it for today! Perhaps not the most exciting, but oh well. I hope you enjoyed it anyways! Please let me know what your goals and/or plans for this month are!

Also, I think I'd quite enjoy dong a few christmas themed posts this year, although I'm not usually a big fan of christmas. If you have any ideas for christmas themed posts you'd like to see, let me know in the comments! I'm quite a pro gift giver if I do say so myself, so there might be a gift guide coming!

Quick sidenote - I just noticed my bloglovin hit 50 followers, and I can't tell you all how much this means to me! Thank you so incredibly much, I love you all